Steve Bonini just finished a shoot for EAS.
This is a shot of Andy Sherman, the art director, on set by Steve Bonini.
Photo-op! Jeff Martin, creative director, (left) with Larry Fitzgerald (middle) and Andy Sherman (right).

Here is what Andy Sherman, the fabulous art director, had this to say about Steve:

"The man, the mystery, the eye! Master photographer extraordinaire! The maestro of the lens, able to bend steel with the slightest of wide-angle lenses.
Besides shooting photos, he loves to look at, and over direct, photos of himself. Steve also likes long walks on the beach, and wine (his preference is whatever the bartender would order for himself).
Behind the cool hat and dark shades lies a man with so much RAW (the file type not meat temperature) talent, professionals shudder (not shutter) in his mere presence.
I present to you, Steve "The Master of Snap-sure" Bonini."

Larry Fitzgerald the wide receiver for the Phoenix Cardinals, running (above) and looking over the images (below) with the digi tech Joe Kurihara(left) and art director Andy Sherman (right).

Joe Kurihara (left) and Andy Sherman (right) getting their hands wet for the Jen Perez swimming shot.

Setting up for the Chase Utley shoot. He is second baseman for the Philadelphia Phillies.

Steve shooting triathlete Jen Perez running and biking.

Video of Steve shooting Jen Perez.