Why flowers? For me, a country girl from Lancaster PA, growing up surrounded by beautiful fertile fields filled with everything you can imagine, was an early influence for my natural, earthy, style.

I love the details... Love a close-up. I can remember laying on my belly in my neighbors yard as a kid and falling in love with the velvety texture of the deep purple and yellow faces of violas, one of the first spring flowers.

They have delicate textures, gorgeous deep rich vibrant color, light penetrating transparent petals, and luscious scents filling the air... a very sensual subject.

Shooting flowers for Kimberly Clark, for the classic brand Kleenex tissues, has been a challenge and a highlight.

First round of the shoot we were working in a South facing daylight studio in Chelsea mid July. It was hot. Flowers are incredibly delicate and require cold to remain in perfect shooting condition for this kind of work. Unfortunately, the air conditioning in the studio went down for 2 hours in the midst of our shoot. We were working with single selections of some cultivars that didn't tolerate the lack of air conditioning very well. The outcome was, however, a great success and the client was exceptionally happy coming back for rounds two and three.