Friday, March 29, 2013

Scott Peterson's Takeover Campaign for WD

On his way to his studio last week, Scott Peterson was pleasantly surprised to see his pictures, some of them 20 feet tall, covering the walls of a central public transit station in San Francisco. WD’s takeover campaign, which features people cradling their external hard drives, is oversized and impossible to ignore. It’s all over the walls, on the floor and right in front of your eyes as you go down the escalator. 

Scott, a top-notch food photographer who recently shot a campaign for Wendy’s, was grateful for the opportunity to show off his abilities to shoot something other than burgers. "I’m pretty comfortable shooting just about anything,” he says. "But it was nice to be able to spread my wings a little and work with some really great people."

The campaign’s concept is elegant, with the images showing external hard drives and the hands that hold them.

Like most subtle (yet effective) concepts, it made for a demanding shoot. “What Western Digital wanted to show was that everyone's lives are digital now. What we would save in a fire, what we value – all those things have a digital version," Scott says. "Now convey that without any facial expression. That was my challenge."

The campaign is nation-wide -- Scott's billboards have been spotted in Los Angeles, New York and Chicago.

To see what else Scott has been working on, visit his website at: