Dennis Welsh recently shot the campaign for Hacienda Beach Club & Residence, located in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Dennis and crew had 3 days of shooting to execute the creative director’s vision of what the resort had to offer. He said it was both a terrific challenge and a great deal of fun.

"My favorite image of the entire shoot is the little girl draped over the model’s shoulder on the beach. I had this idea in mind before we arrived, but this little girl had never modeled before. When I discussed the idea with her and the model, who was playing her father, she said 'Great!' That little girl put absolutely all of her energy into it. When we got back that evening and went over all of the images from that particular shot, it was the very first frame that we used. I knew at that point we were off and running!"

"When it came to shooting the kids, I simply let them be themselves. Whether it was in a pool, with an underwater housing, at the ocean’s edge, or in a boat. I shot quickly and never stayed too long on one idea. That gave us the best energy and the kids looked natural, because they were just being themselves and having fun."

"The mornings were early and the evenings ran late. It was an amazing collaborative effort where everyone gave their best and the hard lines of job descriptions were softened. I can’t tell you how many times I saw my digi-tech carrying his equipment and an armload of dresses on hangers!"

"All in all, this was an amazing shoot – efficient, fun, and completely without pretense. That’s what made it, in my estimation, an effective production and I think it shows in the campaign."
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